Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Them's da Breaks

A couple of Sundays ago (May 21st specifically), I was on my merry way to the loo at 1:30am when my little toe made a sudden and painful contact with a very thick heavy wooden step stool. While a little sore, there was no discoloration other than a small bruise on the tip of my little toe and minimal swelling if any.  I even walked on it.  But a voice kept telling me to get it checked out.  I managed an Orthopedic appointment the following Wednesday and surprise! It's fractured.  I have a non displaced fracture of the fifth metatarsal.  I'm now wearing a boot and I'm on crutches because I'm currently non weight bearing (most of the time anyway).  Needless to say, this has thrown a wrench into the works.  There will be no strenuous hiking for 6 weeks (4 left).  There is a camping trip coming up at the Delaware Water Gap area of the Appalachian Trail.  Not sure I'll actually get to step on the AT there, but hoping I am able to do something.  It's going to be a long 4 weeks.  The one positive is that not being able to use one foot has made the muscles in my bad butt work better and get into better shape so that injury is actually feeling better.